A Selection of Testimonials From Many Hundreds…

I would love to hear from you please feel free to email Marisha your testimonial.


It has been several weeks since I saw you, but I am still thinking about all of the insights that you shared with me. My interaction with you really affirmed a lot of messages that I had been hearing and disregarding, so it has been very powerful for me to listen to the recording of the session and take these ideas to heart. I really appreciate the time and energy that you spent on helping me to discern my life path, and I will definitely recommend you to friends and family.

Liz   Hannacroix, New York


I met with Marisha this afternoon for the first time, and I was blown away, not only by her accuracy and insight, but her compassionate and generous spirit. Marisha spent a great deal of time with me before the reading, preparing me for the experience, and becoming familiar with my questions. When she started the reading, I was amazed by the messages she was receiving from my loved ones who have passed on, and details she knew about my life and family. It felt like having a conversation with my family members; I haven’t had such a sense of peace in years.

Marisha is loving and warm, and there is no doubt that she really cares about her clients. This was a very meaningful and comforting experience for me. I will definitely be back.

PLD.   Loudonville, New York


I was born on my Grandmother’s birthday, and she raised me. When she died I felt an incredible void in my soul. I went to see Marisha and my Grandmother came through in spirit. Marisha was able to tell me things about my Grandmother she could not have known. I had an incredible sense of peace after my reading. Thank you Marisha for using your gift to provide the comfort I desperately needed.

Jennifer H.   New York


A reading with Marisha is a moving experience, not to be forgotten. She begins fully prepared and focused, having spent time before the reading in meditation to bring forth her clients’ spirit guides and loved ones. There is no filtering of message content that she receives from spirit and the messages come from a compassionate heart. Her gifts are enormous and are quickly evidenced by the information you receive! A session with Marisha can be of great help in making decisions, resolving old questions or confirming feelings in any area where you need spiritual assistance.

Deborah B.   New York


I contacted Marisha Alexander out of curiosity and a desire for clarification about a few questions that had kept coming up. Her insights into my life blew me away! After we spoke, I felt a great sense of peace. Never having spoken to a spiritual medium, I was skeptical. I think Marisha is the real deal! She told me things that gave me a new understanding of my position in the world.

Tricia F.   Colorado


I was experiencing a number of medical problems for which I had been seeing various specialists. Despite following their advice, there was little improvement. I was worried that they were missing something. Due to my frustration, my physician referred me to Ms. Alexander. Asking her only about my health, Marisha said “you’re concerned that the doctors are missing something; they are not.” Her validation was a great relief. Since I am no longer worried, I have put all of my energy toward getting healthy.

During my session I asked Marisha if there was “a key” to my health that I was missing. Within moments Ms. Alexander was taken by Spirit to my dysfunctional childhood. All my life I had difficulty communicating to others the type of dysfunctional childhood I had. No matter what words I used, it didn’t convey the experience.  Marisha said in two words what I couldn’t explain in countless words over a lifetime. The clarity she gave helped me face reality and the impact of what had happened during my youth. This was the beginning of my emotional healing. Marisha’s gift is a blessing.

Virginia F.   New York


On two separate occasions I have had readings with Marisha Alexander. I found each reading to be an extremely spiritual experience. With the passing of my mother many years ago, Marisha was able to connect with my mother’s spirit and communicate to me in a way that made me feel my mother was right there with us. I miss my mother deeply and this communication was very meaningful to me. Throughout the readings with Marisha I felt very connected to the spirits, which for me is important and the key reason for having a reading. She had a great sense of all that was happening to me in my life. I feel I have been enlightened and transformed because of the impact she has had in my life. Leaving each reading I always have such relief and feel I have received help in clarifying my vision. I am very grateful for having crossed paths with Marisha and I will definitely continue to see her for additional readings.

Ron S.   New York


Marisha Alexander is incredible. She is very compassionate and gifted and you immediately feel a sense of comfort when you meet her. To begin our session Marisha showed me a page of hand written notes of information she had received about me while meditating, which she does preceding every client’s session. Her notes indicated that I had a problem in my abdominal area due to a previous surgery. I was not aware of this problem but in time a doctor would discover the exact problem that Marisha described and repair it by performing a more advanced surgical procedure. Remarkably, what Marisha said had come to pass.

As my reading progressed Marisha again referred to her notes. Looking up at me she explained that I also have a medical problem with my esophagus, which I found peculiar since I was unaware of any problem there. She also noted that this involved my throat and stomach.

A week or two after my session I got a call from my doctor’s office ordering a test for my throat. I was shocked since I hadn’t mentioned experiencing any problems in that area. Yet the test revealed that I had acid reflux and that the muscle in the esophagus doesn’t shut properly. Just as Marisha indicated, this problem would be treated with meds and it is!

The information she gave me came through my deceased grandmother and grandfather. Marisha accurately described them with their expressions exactly how they would have said it and details about them and their personalities. Things that you would have had to know them well to know. There were more details about a past event with my grandmother, a trip my grandmother and I took when I was young. Marisha told me things my grandmother wanted me to know and the feeling of excitement and joy brought tears to my eyes. My grandmother and I were so close and she really described her well and knowing my grandmother is by my side brings happy tears. Marisha, thank you for helping others with your amazing gift.

Wendy S.   New York


When I first visited Marisha for a reading, I was what one would consider an open and willing client.  I do have a belief in other dimensions and in my little way I feel I have had contact with my loved ones that have passed from the earth plane. What I did not expect was Marisha’s absolute genius at contacting these spirits.

It is refreshing that Marisha looks like a regular, lovely artistic woman. There are no kaftans and crystal balls, just an elegant home and cultured conversation. When she started her reading, I was absolutely dumbfounded at how perfectly she could describe my mother.  It was not really the physical description, but rather the description of my mother’s spirit – shall I say – for lack of a better way of putting it – her spirit when she was here on earth.  She was lively, center stage and gorgeous.  My mother dressed in a way all took note of.  But the detail of how Marisha described this was exactly the way my mother would have described this.
Marisha did not channel simply that my mother was beautifully dressed. What Marisha did say was “she is very well put together”.  This is a phrase that I heard my mother say many, many times in her lifetime about other women and once in a while about me and my sister. That accuracy was wonderful.  It made me feel we were with the right spirit out there in the cosmos.  Marisha spoke of my mother as my mother would have spoken to me, once her pain and suffering were over.

Then, the particulars continued.  With each person that came into contact, the way Marisha would speak was as if they were speaking. Not in tongues or in any strange way, but just in the way they spoke when they were alive, with their energy, their expressions, their interests. Like when my Grandmother Laura came into our realm, it was a very humble message. A very sweet and old fashioned from “the old country” sort of message, just like my grandmother, who was a charming but simple Scottish woman who made wonderful doll clothes for me and told me stories at bed  time.

Marisha’s readings have comforted me, humored me and made me feel less alone on “this side.” I have also taken many friends to have readings with Marisha.  All have been similarly pleased.  Recently a friend who just lost her daughter in a very tragic way told me a few days after her reading that she felt the reading had opened her heart and calmed her pain.

I give my highest recommendation to this extremely talented and kind woman.

Laura Lee R.   New York


Marisha Alexander has made a big difference in my life in just a few readings. She is very positive and has helped me recognize that I matter more to people in my personal and professional lives than I ever realized. I had some family and professional problems that had baffled me for years and Marisha and our guides supported me beyond my expectations. She gave me concrete steps that I could and did take.

This is not just a business for her. Marisha deeply cares about me. She is methodical and creative – a unique combination. I have lived on other continents beyond the Unites States and have worked very hard to learn other languages and about different cultures. Marisha is well qualified to work with both Americans and people of other countries. She has so much wisdom. Marisha is worth every penny.

Josephine B.  llinois


For years my partner struggled with insomnia and depression that were treated with medication, after which he suffered a breakdown, was misdiagnosed by his doctor and prescribed a new drug. I told Ms. Alexander the name of that medication and asked for Spirit’s input. Marisha closed her eyes concentrating on my question. “I’m getting NO,” she answered after a few seconds. “He will deteriorate further. I am being told that your husband should return to the lowest effective dose of his original medicine from before the breakdown.”

Despite Marisha’s advice, my spouse continued on the new anti-depressant and did indeed deteriorate. As predicted, he didn’t improve until he returned to a low dose of his previous anti-depressant as Spirit had suggested. Marisha had told me that it would take six months for him to recuperate, which remarkably was confirmed by his doctor during a later visit.

As the reading continued, Marisha then raised her left hand to the left side of her head, making a circle with the tip of her index finger and her thumb. “Spirit shows me there’s something in his brain, it is benign and not new and tests will confirm this.” As it happened, my husband was already scheduled to have an MRI. Two weeks after my session with Ms. Alexander a neurosurgeon did indeed confirm that the tests showed a large benign cyst at my husband’s left temple, in the precise spot that Marisha had pointed to during the reading. The doctor said that it had probably been present since birth.

I began to find balance and a new path for myself and my husband and we are happier than we’ve been in two decades. Weeks later I spoke with Marisha to thank her for the improvements my husband and I can measure in our lives.

Marie A.   New York


I have been to Astrologers, Numerologists, Tarot Card Readers, Psychics and Psychic Mediums in the past, but none hold a candle to the gifts that Marisha Alexander possesses. Through the session she was so accurate on all of the areas of the personalities and living events of deceased members of my family that it astounded me. Some of the messages brought me to tears. I believe that we all create our own reality, but at times it may be reassuring to seek the guidance of one such as Marisha to feel a sense of comfort in our choices as we move forward. I certainly received that comfort from the session I had with this gifted woman and I am grateful for the messages I received.

Wayne L.   Massachusetts


I was drawn to Marisha after a friend gave me her number and we had a brief conversation over the phone.  The overall vibe from our first conversation was that she is authentic and thorough so I booked an appointment on the spot.  I have had experiences with spiritual mediums in the past and believe in the work that they do.  This holds true for Marisha as well.

Throughout the reading Marisha provided extensive detail to support what she was conveying and patiently clarified if I was unsure of what she was trying to say.  I did not reveal much of myself prior to the reading and gave only as much information to Marisha as necessary to affirm if she was on track or not.  Marisha was able to accurately describe me as a person, my children, husband, friends and provide situational insight. At several points during the reading I was overwhelmed by tears because of her accuracy and validation.  It is one thing to have inner thoughts but when another person is able to articulate it without prior personal knowledge it is truly moving. I was also able to lay on the table my “ugly truths” without hesitation, as I didn’t feel as though I was being judged.

Her intent is to help through her remarkable gift and provide the person (me) with support.  I have no doubt Marisha is a vehicle for Spirit; a cross between a Mercedes Benz and a Prius – classy and sparkly but efficiently down to earth.  Based on my experience, I will definitely go back to Marisha for more readings and rely on her work through Spirit to enhance my personal development.

Lisa H.   New York


During my reading with Marisha I told her that my doctor had just found a lump in my breast. Marisha’s eyes were closed as she answered, ” I know. It’s a benign cyst. May I point to it? She opened her eyes and at my nod, she pointed to the exact location on the correct breast and said to me, ” Be sure to have all the tests your doctor prescribed.” The Mammogram result was questionable and the subsequent Sonogram showed a benign cyst in my right breast. The Radiologist mentioned that the lump was in the least likely quadrant to have a lump. During my reading, Marisha had pointed to the exact spot.

Linda A.   New York


Marisha Alexander changed my whole life. I will never forget the first time she read me. I had lost my mom 10 years prior and I was looking for proof that she still existed after she passed. Of course I was skeptical since I had had a few prior readings that were flops. My mind was blown away as she began to read me…a person she had never met before knew about my past.. present and as time went on future. She brought my mother through with validations and proof that no one in this world could have known besides her. My mother even referenced a whole private conversation that I had had with my husband the night before! Marisha also told me about my future…certain things that would happen…and sure enough 5 years later as they did happen progressively…I was blown away again. Marisha gave me proof that life continues and that our loved ones are with us always…which in return lit a fire under me to explore this whole other reality that exists, which has helped me to evolve spiritually. Marisha has given me a gift that you can’t put a price on. I have become a life-long client, student and friend of Marisha!

Lisa C.   New York


I was severely injured by medical treatment from a local doctor at the beginning of last year. Subsequent doctors were perplexed and unable to correct what had happened. As part of a desperate search for help I started looking for a medical intuitive. I suspected I would have to travel to find anyone good, but to my amazement, there is a good one in the area (with the unexpected bonus of a family connection to Edgar Cayce).

Although I am generally open to the fact that there is much beyond my own senses and conditioning, I still have a healthy skepticism and hadn’t used the services of a medium before in any serious manner. My skepticism was greatly diminished when, before the session started, Marisha told me that she didn’t want any information about my condition. She knew I was sick and that was it. My illness was not visible.

I expected some fishing for information. Not only did she not do that, she didn’t want me to offer anything that might muddy the waters of her connection. I was relieved because I was in pain and didn’t have time or money to waste trying to figure out if this person was legit.

Everything I received in our session wasn’t easy for me to hear, but I was grateful for the honesty and greatly comforted to know that my injury would heal. Not only is Marisha special for her gifts, but she is special as an individual with a huge heart and deep compassion. I believe that combination makes her not only an intuitive but a healer.

Diane F.   New York


Marisha Alexander is a very warm and engaging person.  She has helped me a lot in the last few years.  She has always been spot on with the information that she has given me, and she has helped me to make the right decisions for myself and my family.  I would highly recommend her, and I have, to anyone who needs help in moving on with their lives, or moving towards a goal in their lives.

Peggy Z.   New York


Marisha helped me enormously in facing a diagnosis of cancer. When I went to her with health issues, she heard cancer as the problem. Marisha presented the information to me in the metaphor of “a living condition,” which is a very good description of my particular diagnosis of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and other long-standing but not malignant conditions.

Months later, after beginning cancer treatment, I met Marisha in another context and she told me how she knew more specifically about my condition. At the time of the reading, however, Spirit discerned that I was unable to process my situation before discussing it with my doctors and that to use the term cancer at that time would have frightened me very badly. I was grateful for her sensitive way of keeping me from the frightening information until my doctors could confirm for me that it was, in fact, a “living condition.” This insight allowed me to hear that I was going to successfully come through the experience.

Mishka L.   New York


About 40 years ago, I was a 20-year-old woman trying to make sense of life amidst the extreme unhappiness that characterized my family of origin. Not knowing if God existed, I challenged “Him” to give me some kind of proof of His existence.  Not long after that, a friend suggested to me that I go to see Reverend Dorothy Smith, a pastor and medium at a spiritualist church in Greenwich, Connecticut.  My mother, sister and I made the hour-long trip for our readings.  I went prepared to say nothing during the reading in order to test whether or not she was the Real Deal.  Without knowing my full name, and before the age of the Internet, Dorothy went into an hour-long trance where she communicated with everyone I knew who had ever passed away.  She had names, descriptions and messages to me and their friends.  She described my interests and had advice for my present life and future.  I feverishly wrote everything down, and now, when I read her future predictions, I can say she was 95% accurate.  It was astounding, life-changing, and the most important thing that ever happened to me.  I guess I had my proof and my life has been directed and meaningful ever since.

I didn’t see another medium again until I made an appointment with Marisha a few years back.  Unfortunately, Dorothy had since passed away.  I was feeling a bit stuck in my life and I had read an article about Marisha in the Times Union.  I didn’t know if she would be the Real Deal. In fact, I kind of doubted it, but I took the chance anyway.  To my surprise, this reading was equally astounding and incredible and I soon realized that Marisha is also the Real Deal.  Like Dorothy, Marisha could communicate directly with my loved ones on the other side, who, now that I’m older, number quite a few more.  It was so wonderful to hear from them!  Her advice for my problems was spot-on.  She also had specific knowledge that she could only know through another dimension.  She was so encouraging and positive and I left feeling and knowing that I am not alone, that spirits are always ready to help me, that I am loved and that my life has a wonderful purpose.

I was blessed so many years ago to have this experience with Dorothy and the knowledge that there is far more to life than meets the eye.  If I had not met with her, my life would have been much, much smaller and a lot sadder.  Well, Dorothy may no longer be here, but Marisha is and I would encourage any young person to see her, so that this knowledge and the faith that comes with it will benefit the rest of your life.  And if you are not young, then it’s TIME to find out.  You won’t be sorry you did. A big fan,

Lucille S.   New York


Skepticism is something that affects us all.  It’s easy for us to feel doubt when we turn on the TV and see a psychic/medium telling an audience, “someone in this room has someone who died” or some other generic response. Details are everything in making a believer.

When you sit down with Marisha to have a reading, detail is exactly what you get.  I have been getting my readings from her since late 2009.  She is able to give information that is extremely personal, specific, and most importantly detailed.  She can tell you very specific information ranging from health, love and people who have passed.  I can tell you with personal experience, that her medical intuitiveness helped me through a very difficult period in my life.  I ask anyone reading this who has questions but is skeptical, to take a leap of faith just this once and see Marisha.  I promise you will drive away from the experience changed, and more optimistic than when you arrived.

Ryan K.   New York


I consider myself to be very fortunate to have crossed paths with the unique and gifted person of Marisha Alexander. I was skeptical at first, but with an open mind. During my first reading I was surprised and very impressed as Marisha, who I had never met before, answered all of my questions with insight, clarity and, most of all, details. So many details. And such incredible accuracy.

Marisha was recommended to me by a medical doctor who was treating me at that time. When I went to Marisha I had great anxiety over a surgery that I was facing. Through Marisha spirit reassured me that the surgery would have a successful outcome, which, in fact, it did. The detailed answers that were provided by spirit through Marisha to all of my wide range of questions in that initial reading impressed me so much that I couldn’t help but believe the statement that  she passed to me (from spirit) that my surgery would be successful. Thus I was able to proceed with my surgery with a calm and positive frame of mind, which I believe assisted me both during my surgery and in my subsequent recovery.

My initial reading with Marisha opened for me the possibility of spirit connection. I have since been back for a number of additional readings. My doubting mind has been reassured during every one of my sessions with Marisha and I am now a student of the unseen world which I contemplate regularly with my meditations. I now sense a calmness when I breathe deeply and practice relaxation.

Dennis H.   New York


I started going to Marisha in 2009 when I was going through a rough time. She validated a lot of things for me & made me feel better about the direction I was going in life. I have been going to her ever since and I haven’t found anyone that is as accurate as Marisha!

Melinda M.   New York


I was completely in awe of my session and one thing keeps coming to me whenever I think of my reading and that is “She is the Real Deal.” This is what I keep getting since my visit. I have to mention something that I did not mention after the reading, but which really blew me away. As you know, I am struggling to get to the bottom of my health issues and one big area is related to the food and diet regime that the nutritionist has me on. What I want to share with you is that prior to our session and due to the fact that my eating life is changing extensively, I’d been walking around the house saying “I’m so sad, I’m just so sad.” I’ve been grieving the loss of outings with special friends as these times have been a highlight of my retirement and gave me joy. During the reading, something that really took my breath away-so much so that I could not share it at the time-was when you said that you were told to tell me “DO NOT BE SO SAD.”  Amazing!

I want you to know that I think you are a beautiful person inside and out. You provided me a lot of insight and clarification in a number of areas. It seems that God has given you a special gift in order to help others. I pray that you will continue to follow his lead and thank you so very much. God bless.

Kathy M.   New York


In my reading, Marisha sensitively gave voice to the message that the symptoms several doctors and I had been struggling to understand were physical manifestations of deeper emotional needs that had not been addressed. Together with private, situational details, this unravelment immediately clicked within me, allaying my illness-related fears and elucidating that I can trust my own hidden spiritual sense.

I am generally a private person and this little piece of writing is no exception. I sincerely hope my words convey how wonderful I think you are. With gratitude for your amazing gifts.

Tara N.   Washington, D.C.


Marisha is an extraordinary Medium with a powerful gift that has significantly helped the lives of many, many people with health, emotional, business and relationship issues- issues in the past, present and future. She takes her gift very seriously and her goal is to help as many people as she can.

Throughout the years, I have grown more and more amazed during each session with her and the many things told to me about myself and my loved ones as she answered questions of concern. The invaluable advice and guidance I received was always on target. Other times, she uncannily predicted events that were going to happen to me that came true as foretold. Marisha adheres to the highest standards of her practice and I can say without a doubt that if one needs spiritual advice, Ms. Alexander is the one to see.

Ann B.   Panama


As soon as Marisha opened the door she already had a page of notes on me about the feelings and circumstances enveloping my life. I am still amazed about her accuracy. I did not have to tell her how I felt or why I was there. She just knew. Marisha explained that my grandmother’s spirit had come to her while she was meditating prior to our session, providing her with the information. Marisha was able to validate my feelings of uncertainty and frustration, which, up until that point, had made me feel hopeless about significant relationships in my life. Not only did she identify these issues, but she also guided me toward resolving them. My reading gave me inner peace and clarity. Up to that point I thought my problems were all in my head. Marisha’s reading was an amazing relief for me.

Roxanne H.   New York


My reading with Marisha was incredible and an affirmation of the mystery that permeates our world. For people skeptical of spirit communication, after a session with Miss Alexander it’s impossible to discredit this phenomenon. During my own session the information was hand-tailored to me, exceeding my greatest expectations. I experienced the energizing sensation of being a part of something real and important. Putting old issues to rest, advising me on how to use what I have now, I still follow the advice given, which has since proven to be 100% accurate. Marisha Alexander is a genuine professional whose approach to spiritual readings thins the veil between the worlds.

Noah W.   New York


Thank you very much for the amazing session. You are so gifted and special. I always feel so peaceful after talking with you. I walk away with more clarity and depth. You give me such great guidance. You show me the bigger picture and the meaning behind it, You are a loving and kind soul and I appreciate you sharing your unique gift with me and the world. I look forward to more spiritual insight and growth with you in the future.

Linda D.   New York


Marisha’s gift never ceases to amaze me. I have been a client for years and my readings just get better and better. Marisha has given me readings about everything from relationships to career issues to medical concerns.

In one reading I had many pressing questions to ask that required timely action on my part. My landlord wanted me to tell him if I was renewing my lease and gave me a tight deadline. I didn’t have enough time to wait to see if my application would be accepted at a new place. Through Marisha, spirit told me that my application for a new place would not be accepted and that I should stay at my present home. A huge weight was lifted from my shoulders when I heard this and my landlord was also relieved that I was staying another year. Spirit also told me to make plans for a new place for the following year and to re-negotiate a bothersome clause in my lease. I was able to do that even though by past experience it was not easy to negotiate with my landlord.

In the same reading I asked about a job I had just started because I was having difficulty “reading” my managers. Through Marisha, spirit gave me a complete profile of my managers that made complete sense to me as I was getting contradictory messages from them in my daily interactions. The reading enabled me to know exactly why they acted a certain way and I knew how to handle their personalities from then on. I also learned that the job would help me grow in an area I had not been previously exposed to.

I often ask relationship questions and she has been able to hit the nail on the head as to what my status is. Once she was able to give me a complete personality profile of a man I had started to date after my divorce and it immensely helped me to know if I had a future with him or not. I also like to ask if there is a past life connection with a guy I’m dating and it’s always a delight to hear what that connection is. In one reading I found out that another love interest was my best friend (both of us women) in the 19th century and this made perfect sense to me since we were fast friends in this life, this time as a man and a woman.

In another reading I asked Marisha about bites I was getting that I thought were caused by spiders, but she told me that they were from bedbugs, which was a complete shock to me. She told me that spirit said I took home the bedbug larvae in a suitcase when I returned from my trip to China! I was very upset as it is an expensive (and embarrassing) problem to eliminate. Suddenly, virtually right after the reading, I stopped noticing the bites and asked in another reading months later if the bedbugs were gone. To my amazement, she told me that they were gone and that spirit took care of the problem! I was truly amazed at this news. She said that spirit knew this was a difficult burden for me to overcome and gave assistance.

My family, including my 2 children, have also benefitted from Marisha’s readings. I will continue to get readings from Marisha when life’s problems surface, as her help has been invaluable.

Sandra B.   New York


I have been a client of Marisha’s for years now. Her insights and attention to detail are mind blowing!! Marisha is truly gifted. Her WONDERFUL readings are spot on and delivered with creativity and humor. I am so happy to know her. Everyone should experience it for themselves!

Monica S.   New York