Psychic Development: Expect the Unexpected

As I continue to actively teach Psychic Development to others, I am constantly reminded of the development and realization of my own mediumistic gifts and the personal struggle I had to eventually understand and become at ease with them. Early on in my youth I started to receive messages from the Spirit realm that were both stunning and beyond my comprehension and knowledge at the time.

I was just 18 years old in my first year of university when a deeply personal message was given to me in the company of my mother. The serendipity and deliverance of the message was remarkable because it interrupted a happy time of laughter between me and my mother. In the midst of our laughter, I suddenly noticed an object appear in a glowing light and hover above her left shoulder. As I gazed into the misty light, I could see it was the shape of a miniature casket, approximately six inches in length. Immediately following this recognition, I heard a male voice inside my head say to me: “Your mother will die soon and quickly.” I was struck by the emotional content of the message and the powerful and absolute tone of surety in this voice. This life-changing information was delivered to me in a manner without emotion, like simple data, and without question I knew it to be the truth.

It is important to note that my mother was enjoying good health and well being at this time in her 50’s. An earlier coronary heart attack left an inoperable aneurysm on her heart and the consensus was uncertain as to if and when this aneurysm would ever burst in her lifetime. She had come through it and improved her health through diet and exercise to such a degree that she was in the peak of her wellness. But my mother did die soon after and quickly and her sudden, untimely death came as a great shock to all, but not to me. In my own way, I was prepared on one level but unprepared for the devastating loss of her while I was still a teenager.

Much later in my development, striking evidence of a higher realm at work again innocently took place in my life. I was living in Toronto at this time and busy making travel plans to the Dominican Republic with a friend who was an antique dealer in Jamaica. A mutual interest in early West Indian furniture of the 19th century brought us together in planning for a trip with the idea of possible acquisition of such pieces in the Dominican. It became my task to obtain general tourist information regarding hotels and car rentals from the Dominican Republic Tourist Board located in Montreal, Canada. Subsequently, I called their office to request some basic assistance for our forthcoming trip and inquired if by any chance their office knew of any businesses on their island related to Antiques? I was met with a long silence on the other end of the line, and then with a reserved response that gave me little hope. Nevertheless, I thanked the assistant for their effort and then tried to research this matter myself, to no avail.

A few days went by and one morning as I awoke I noticed directly above me near the ceiling of my bedroom an old style Smith-Corona typewriter hovering in mid-air, with a newly placed piece of white paper in it ready to type. As I gazed spellbound at this fantastic image, two human-like hands appeared and began to type. One letter at a time, this pair of hands typed out the Spanish word “Ancestros” and then stopped. High above any human ability to read the small print, the image then became enlarged to such a degree that I could easily read it. As I read the word out to myself, I simultaneously heard a voice in my head explain the exact meaning of this word. “Ancestros” was the name of a shop, that’s all. Seconds following my comprehension of it all, I watched as the typewriter, hands and paper vanished from my sight.

At the time, I was completely puzzled by this twilight state ADC (After Death Communication that occurs just as people are waking up or falling asleep), and knew nothing of its meaning in my personal life. Regardless, its visual impact on my psyche remained as a pinnacle moment and a stunning mystery to me. Then came my answer. Within a few days, I received a packet in the mail from the Dominican Tourist Board with the expected travel brochures and a single folded piece of typing paper. Without thinking, I casually opened the folded paper and read the title:

Information on Antiques in Santo Domingo

Street Roberto Pastoriza #463
fax #809-563-3074
tel. #809-563-3072

You can only imagine my shock and disbelief when I noticed that the paper was a match and the letter font had been typed on an older machine!

I knew enough that there was a more subtle yet deeper meaning as to why I would receive such a powerful validation from the Spirit realm. It was deliberately arranged to give proof that I was clearly and accurately receiving the information sent to me.

When you are advancing to the highest levels of mediumship with your spiritual gifts, receiving complex information all at once can be challenging at times. And as you grow, the inherent responsibility for your gift grows as well. You are made to jump through the many hoops sent to you to test your abilities along the way.

I remind my students to be brave and have the courage to say what they get, no matter how bizarre they may feel it to be. To go ahead and “stick your neck out” in trust of what they receive because True Spirit communication will always come from “Less of me, more of it.” Without taking this risk, development can go painfully slowly. Without sharing your impressions, you may never come to realize the extraordinary guidance that lies behind it.

In my private practice, some of the most profound evidence of the Spirit realm at work has been in messages I repeat word for word without knowing why and having no idea of the profound result and meaning for my clients.

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