My Abilities

It is a known fact that the majority of Mediums (85% or more) see symbols only and then attempt to interpret those symbols in a reading and/or leave it up to their clients to figure out what the symbols mean.

I possess the rare gift known as Direct Voice, where I hear the actual words conveyed by Spirit (in sentences or phrases) and I repeat those spoken messages to my clients during their readings. This ability conveys messages from Spirit in a much more accurate and complete way, as neither I nor my clients have to interpret anything. It is also a much more productive way to communicate messages, since time during a reading is not spent trying to analyze what symbols might mean.

In addition to Direct Voice, I also have the following abilities which allow me to communicate messages from Spirit. I do not use every one of these abilities in every reading. The abilities I use depend on what form of message Spirit chooses to convey in any particular reading.

ClairVoyance  ( Clear Seeing )  An ability to see people, objects, scenes or symbols.

ClairAudience  ( Clear Hearing )  An ability to receive a verbal message. Hearing a voice through the ears the same way you would hear a person talking to you; or hearing a voice internally, inside your head or mind, originating from a source outside of you. Messages are generally brief and to the point.

ClairEmpathy  An ability to tune into the emotional experience of a spirit.

ClairSentience   An ability to sense or feel the presence of a spirit. It’s more of a feeling than anything else. The feeling can be compelling until you get the message through.

ClairTangency  ( Clear Touching )  More commonly known as Psychometry. An ability to handle an object  and perceive.

ClairCognizance  ( Clear Knowing )  An ability to strongly and clearly know something to be correct, but you may not be able to back up your statement with facts about why you believe the information is true.

RetroClair  ( RetroCognition ) An ability to know something about a situation after its occurrence; to know the past without direct observation of events.

ClairAlience  ( Olfactory ) An ability to smell a fragrance, aroma or odor that is associated with a specific person in spirit. The room or area one is in is suddenly filled with a particular smell, without a physical source and clearly out of context with your surroundings.

Physical Mediumship  An ability to “become” any aspect of a spirit physically.