How to Prepare

In order to have the best reading possible I need for you to provide me with a list of questions for your reading and as many of the other items listed below as possible. If your reading will be in-person please bring your questions and objects with you. If we are going to do a telephone reading you should mail the items to me at the address below so that I receive them prior to the day of the reading.


You need to provide me with a list of questions that you would like addressed in the reading. Please make your questions as concise as possible. I find that a handwritten list of questions works best because it provides not only the questions, but also the handwriting itself provides me with an item that contains your personal energy. For a half-hour session there should be time for approximately 2-3 questions. For an hour session, 5-6 questions. Please keep in mind that most readings provide information well beyond the scope of your questions.


For questions regarding or relating to your own life, please provide me with 3-5 personal objects (of yours) that have not been previously owned or used by anyone other than you. For example: keys, a pen, a wallet, glasses, an agenda book, jewelry or ANYTHING that you’ve used a lot that has your energy! For a telephone reading it is very helpful to provide one or two photos of yourself. The photo(s) do not need to be current.

Please do not send any electronic devices, such as cell phones, i pods, recording devices, etc.


Please provide the name of the person in question and, if possible, their date of birth and any personal objects that belong (or belonged) to the person. For personal objects, again bear in mind the concept of the personal energy of the person in question, so be sure to provide objects that were not previously owned by anyone else and were not shared with other people. In addition, a photo (recent or old) and an example of the handwriting of the person (living or deceased) would be helpful.


 I do not record readings, however I encourage my clients to Audio Record their readings if they would like to. You will be responsible to bring a recording device with you to your reading. I do not allow video recording of readings.


For In-Person readings, please arrive timely but not early for your appointment. I am in meditation prior to every appointment, centering my energies for your reading. Please do not disturb this important time during which I prepare myself to receive communications from Spirit.