Frequently Asked Questions   (FAQs)

Is there any difference between an In Person Reading and a Telephone Reading? Is one better or more accurate?

There is no difference in the quality of the reading. It is merely a matter of personal preference and convenience.

What do you actually see or hear during a reading?

Most often when communicating with spirits I hear words spoken to me and I feel emotions conveyed with those words. I also commonly see images that are presented to me. I can discern male versus female voices. Sometimes I hear accents that would be appropriate to the person speaking. Many times the words spoken will include old fashioned language and terminology used during the time that the person was alive, including specific catchphrases and sayings that were actually used by that person that are immediately recognized by the client.

I have a wide variety of abilities that are described in the section of this site titled “My Abilities.” During your reading I will describe to you in full detail everything that I experience or feel.

If I have a strong desire to hear from a specific person in Spirit, will that person come through in my reading?

The information received from the Spirit realm is given to me. It comes through me, not from me. It is solely the decision of your loved one to communicate ( work with me ) if and when they are ready. A Medium is not in any position to demand that a particular person that you wish to hear from will come through in a reading.

Come in with an open mind for your appointment. Often, who you are expecting is the one that comes, but it also may be someone else, such as another departed loved one or even an ancestor that you never met during your lifetime. A strong emotional need will often get results, although there is no guarantee of this.

I’m intrigued by the idea of having a reading, but I also have some reservations and anxiety about it. I am afraid that Spirit may give me a message that will frighten or embarrass me about things I have done in the past. Does that happen often?

First of all, readings are primarily question-driven. You present me with a list of questions and Spirit will almost always focus on the answers to your questions. Second, whatever the content of the reading is from the Spirit realm, it is absolutely confidential. Since I am in an altered state while reading, I don’t retain the message content I convey from Spirit. Only you will have a record of the reading by recording it. In my vast experience, the messages from Spirit are consistently uplifting, loving messages with positive profound guidance, centered on the questions you present.

Can I do anything to prepare for a reading?

In advance of your appointment, meditate and pray, asking your loved ones in Spirit to come through at the time of your appointment. If you are having a phone reading, please make sure you choose a quiet private place because your environment will positively or negatively impact your reading.

For a telephone reading, do I call you at the time of my appointment? 

At the appointed time for your reading I will call you to conduct your reading. If our call is disconnected for any reason, hang up and I will redial to reach you. If you reside outside of the United States and Canada, please email me for information regarding the procedure for readings elsewhere in the world.

If I need more time during the reading, will I be able to extend my session?

I will accommodate you, if at all possible, scheduling permitting. Please note that if you extend your session, you will be charged accordingly.

May I record my Reading?

Yes, I strongly encourage my clients to audio record their readings. It is the client’s responsibility to bring a recording device to the session, as I do not record readings. I do not allow video recordings.

Am I allowed to bring someone with me to my reading? 

Yes, but only if it is arranged prior to the reading.

What form of payment do you accept?

Payment is due at the time of scheduling your reading.

For In Person Readings I accept payment by cash, money orders, personal checks (from established clients) or by credit card via PayPal.

For Telephone Readings payment may be made by credit card via PayPal or money orders may be mailed to me so they are received prior to your reading.