Marisha Alexander

Medium & Medical Intuitive

A common saying among Mediums is “You do not choose the gift, the gift chooses you.” Marisha Alexander was born with the gift of Mediumship and her abilities began to emerge at a very young age. As a child she was able to vividly recall details of her past life and showed an uncanny sense of “knowing” in every day life. Fortunately her spiritual gifts were accepted and supported by her parents, both of whom were involved with their own spiritual endeavors and by her extended family members, several of whom were similarly gifted.

By the time she was in her teens she began to hear “the voice” clearly and regularly and accepted it as part of her life. She grew accustomed to having Spirit weigh in on her life decisions and those of her friends. On her path of spiritual development Marisha began consciously honing her spiritual gift, along with the psychological strengths needed to support it. After extensive studies at the world-renowned Center for Spiritual Studies in Lily Dale, New York, she began the long and difficult process of harnessing her spiritual gifts in her professional life.

Marisha has an unusually wide range of sensitivities and talents, rendering her rather unique in the mediumship community, as are described in detail in the My Abilities page. While the majority of Mediums receive symbolic information, which then must be interpreted by the Medium and/or the client, Marisha receives her information directly. This rare ability of Direct Voice allows her to receive complete phrases and sentences from Spirit, which she communicates to the client, enabling a high degree of accuracy.

Early on in her development as a Medium, Marisha began to receive information about the physical body, as well as the mind and Spirit of her clients. Today her work as a Medical Intuitive has been known to pinpoint the source of a medical problem or disease, often in advance of standard medical tests. During a private session with a client, Marisha receives guidance about the body of the client, using mainly her gift of Mental Mediumship to relay the information from Spirit. The information received often assists with diagnostic help and healing solutions, resulting in enormous help for her client’s well-being. A number of Integrative Medical Physicians, having personally experienced sessions with Marisha, refer patients, family and friends to her.

Marisha is renowned for the highest standard of evidential mediumship and the profound impact this has on those who experience her work. Born with an extraordinary ability to communicate with a realm beyond our physical world, she has transformed many lives, conveying insightful, compelling messages of love which give hope, comfort and upliftment from those who have passed over to the other side. With a client base that extends internationally, she has been featured on television, radio and in the printed press.